All materials can be downloaded, printed, and distributed at your event, in your neighborhood or at school. Additional materials can be accessed by visiting the Education Corner at

Living with Gopher Tortoises

A guide to living with gopher tortoises

A guide to living with gopher tortoises contains information on the importance of gopher tortoise in Florida and what to do if you encounter one.
English | Español
Safe Roads

Gopher tortoises and road safety

Gopher tortoises and road safety brochure, how to order crossing sign, and reporting road mortality.

Before you build

Before you build

Before you build contains information about what landowners should know about gopher tortoises before breaking ground on construction activities.

Landowners guide

A Landowner’s Guide

A Landowner’s Guide: Managing habitat for gopher tortoises contains information and resources for managing gopher tortoise habitat.


Urban Areas

Gopher tortoises in urban areas
color | black and white


Waif Gopher Tortoises


Gopher tortoise commensals

Learn about important gopher tortoise commensals


Wildlife Rehabilitation

coloring book

Gopher tortoise coloring book

The gopher tortoise coloring book including images of a burrow, a gopher frog and a snake too!

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